Light Echoes Wiki

The best, most magnificent astronaut in the multiverse. He totally didn't write this himself. No one is better at modelling for photographs, but he does admit he's not an ambiturner.

He and Splitsie make up the human crew of the RX-39487. His file says that Capac is an astrophysicist with an overactive imagination, and an optimist with a passion for food and entertainment, such as movie quotes.

He gets bored quickly but makes new friends easily, including Steve and Reginald. Capac knows Steve well and never assigns him any tasks Steve cannot handle. Capac is known to be irresistible to forklifts.

#Capac For Space President!

Suit colour[]

Originally, Capac's suit colour was light teal, but right before Season 2, he changed to orange, likely to make green screen use possible.

Capac Helmet Cutout